Retail is a vital process and commercial activity, providing customer goods and services through multiple channels in all sectors and industries worldwide. Today retail is changing is getting wide, complex and diversified, there aree retail stores for all physical goods, from automobile, food, beauty and a lot more.

The retail field consist of supermarkets, department stores, chain stores, franchise stores, online stores. The setups of a retail store are collaboration between the manufacturers, suppliers, retailors. It is basically divided into categories, buying, store operations, sales promotion and advertising, accounting and business development.

Consequently, retail industry, customers are changing from just business experience to engaging customer centric approach. The challenging and competitive market has taken a shift for product purchase to product experience. Prodigy, with its tool of experience, methodology and knowledge blended with state of the art- need of skilled human resource to attain the target and goal of the unit. Our team at Prodigy is instilled for the radical transformation. We are ahead of the curve of supplying skilled and right workforce to adapt and especially lead the change.



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